February 2022
Tickets Links Coming soon
23rd March – LGBTQ+ in the workplace with a focus on Gender Diversity.
16th June – Age Discrimination
17th August – Fourth Biennial Inclusion & Diversity Summit
12th October – Accessibility
8th December – Anti Racism for Racial Equity, part 2
Past 2022 Events

In 2021, EEON presented a forum on Anti-Racism for Racial Equity – from conversation to action; which addressed bridging the racial inequality gap in employment, including addressing any complacency or resistance to racial equity work, and elevating action within their organisation. The forum was well received and attended.
Further, racism was explored by Glenn Singleton in a keynote at our 2022 Biennial Summit. Clearly racial equity remains an important topic to address.
We are proud to partner again with the Australian Intercultural Society for the seventh year in a row to bring you Part 2 of this important forum.
Have the conversations in anti-racism and racial equity stagnated or matured since our 2021 forum and how do we continue to accelerate action?
Join us again on 8 December from 12.30-2.00pm live at RMIT, Melbourne CBD, and virtually on Teams, as we continue our conversations and continue to work together to engage your head, heart, and gut, in listening, learning and leading.
For those able to attend in person we will gather at 12 noon for a light lunch and networking.
We will revisit and build on our previous anti-racism forum and explore together:
- Racism and psychological safety in the workplace
- Building allyship and accountability to the community that we serve
- Racial equity and intersectionality, threading the arguments.

LGBTQ+ in the workplace with a focus on Gender Diversity
EEON would like to warmly thank Michelle Sheppard for your wonderful heartwarming and thought provoking forum on Transgender, Gender Diverse, Non-binary (TGDNB) people. We had 30 people in the room safely distanced and 60 people on-line.
Thanks RMIT University for your long term commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Thanks Amy Love and Mat Lewis for your ongoing partnership and thought leadership. Thanks to Lara Rafferty showcasing the amazing work RMIT has been doing. Thanks Adrian Price for your call to action. And thanks to those who joined us today.
It’s not often when you go to forums and you experience affirmation, uninterrupted unlearning and deprogramming, clear articulation of complexity which gives you confidence to have the conversation in public spaces, truth telling moments through knowledge, history, evidence and story telling, always bringing it back to the personal. Thanks for your TGDNB ‘not 101’ forum and energy today. Making change the way we used to – with human connections.

Radically Rethinking Diversity & Inclusion Part 2
Reflection by Dawn Teo
Thank you to the 85+ people who attended EEON’s first event of 2022.
DO approach for all our events, & hope that the event, facilitated by Duncan Smith, Rana Ebrahimi, Roman Ruzbacky and myself prompted deep insights & reflections for all to take away & think of how you can do things differently this year to truly propel DEI in your workplace.
I thought I’d share parts of my presentation to continue the conversation.
“What does DEI look like in the next decade? If our goal is to truly propel DEI in our workplaces in the next decade then I believe part of the conversations we need to have is interrogating the ways that inequity & exclusion itself is showing up in the D&I profession.
- What does the dominant profile of a “D&I professional” in Australian Workplaces look like?
- How has this come about?
- What effect/impact might this have on our workplace inclusion priorities?
If we had to close our eyes and think of what a “D&I professional” looks like, what would come to mind? That’s simple. A white able-bodied cis-gendered women who is a HR professional. We openly talk about the “meritocracy trap” in workplaces, but are we as a profession also falling into this trap?
I often see the narrow criteria for D&I roles:
- “HR qualified” or “HR experience”
- “5 to 10+ years in a DEI role”
What active barriers does this put up for First Nations, PoC/WoC, people with a disability in wanting to join the profession?
If we don’t broaden this criteria to include more folks with knowledge & experience of navigating DEI nuances, what impact will this have on an organisation’s inclusion priorities?
It’s paramount for us to start to investigate these inequities, and how they are able to persist in a profession that has emerged specifically to tear them apart.
Participants were asked to reflect on the following questions: How can we counter the merit trap in the DEI profession?
What can we do to position DEI as an organisational function rather than a program in HR?
#diversity #equity #inclusion #diversityequityinclusion #workplaceculture
Additionally you can read Roman’s summary on our blog page
Leading Diversity & Inclusion Work with Optimism During Uncertainty